An essential grooming task that keeps your American Bully happy and healthy is nail trimming. The nails on your dog may become excessively long if you don’t trim them, which might lead to issues. In nature, wild dogs like wolves wear their nails down through their usual daily activities. Domesticated dogs are not active enough to keep up with organic nail growth. If your dogs nails get too long, it can affect how they walk and even run the risk of being pulled off if it snags on something. If the injury is severe enough, it can necessitate veterinarian treatment.

Why Do We Need to Trim Our Dog’s Nails?

One of the most fundamental facets of American Bully dog ownership is nail care. Even in a short period of time, our dogs’ toenails can grow too long and start to hurt their feet. Without regular nail care, our pets may suffer from problems like:

  1. The paw pads may experience unnecessary pressure as a result of the toenails curling under and scraping against the ground.
  2. In rare circumstances, the toenails will start to grow inward into the paw pad because they have nowhere else to grow, producing a sanctuary for infection and irritation.
  3. Dogs with long nails may find themselves falling down more frequently because their pads aren’t there to catch them.
  4. Dogs’ nails may start to split, which can result in bleeding and infection.
  5. Overgrown nails will alter the bio-mechanics of the digits and may cause arthritis in the toes, according to Canine Arthritis Resource and Education. “Overgrown nails will change the bio-mechanics of the digits and could lead to arthritis in the toes”. This means that your American Bully having long toenails could permanently damage their paws.

We’re here to offer advice so that you may successfully take care of your American Bully’s nails at home and give them the short nails they require for a happier and healthier dog.

  • The size of your Bully will determine the size of the clippers you require. Many people find that clippers with a safety shield come in handy for projectiles.
  • Large breed dogs, like an XL Bully will require heavy clippers.

Trimming Schedule

How often should the nails on your dog be trimmed? The ideal time to clip them is when they are long enough to touch the ground. To find out, you can visually inspect your bully pit’s nails or listen for the sound of their nail tips striking the ground as they walk. Sometimes, puppies need more frequent nail trims than adults.

What to Cut

It’s important not to risk cutting off too much of the nail and exposing the nerves. Make sure to avoid cutting too far down and exposing the quick.

The bone is the most crucial component of the toe to protect, it is surrounded by the quick and the nail.

The quick, which houses the blood flow and nerves. The quick is enclosed by the nail. Dogs, like humans, lack feeling in their nails, but the quick of a dog’s nail has a nerve that sends feelings to the dog’s brain. When trimming the nail, it’s crucial to maintain a sufficient distance from the quick in order to avoid inflicting discomfort or drawing blood.

As you trim each nail, take a moment to inspect it from both the side and the cut surface as you trim it. The sliced surface of white nails turns pink just before it reaches the quick. This is where you should stop. Black nails are trickier to clip since the quick is hidden. If your Bully puppy has longer nails, you can safely trim the tip off without worrying about cutting into the quick. Make a 45-degree angle with the clippers while you trim your bully’s nails. This effectively makes the nail flat across the tip. If your Pitty’s nails aren’t excessively long, it’s crucial to check the nail surface to determine where you’ve clipped them. On a black nail, the cut surface initially appears white or gray. The cut surface will appear chalky, then pink before the quick. Do not clip any further.

Getting your Bully comfortable with Trimming

It is our responsibility as large breed pet owners to take care of our dogs’ joints and feet, including their nails. You may teach your Bully to accept having their nails done. You can achieve this by introducing the clippers to them gradually and allowing your dog to get accustomed to having their paws handled. Create pleasant associations with this by giving goodies and praise up until the point where your American Bully consents to have their nails clipped without being tense.